Sunday, March 24, 2013

Smartphone killed the Telephone star

by Silvijo

From time to time, when Marisa and I start to remember good, old times she often hear me saying how I wish to be one generation older than I am. To be in my 20s during 70s... eh, that would be something.... Don´t get me wrong. I still consider myself lucky for being a kid of 80s and teenager in early 90s, in era before playstations, cellphones, smartfones, facebooks & Co,... in era before "smart-kids"!!

Remembering the time before that era Marisa and I are enjoying in our art, painting objects of 60s, 70s, 80s,... vintage objects.
But not just that.
We love to visit flea markets looking for our...memories. Some of them we bring back to life and offer in our store and from some of them we just can´t separate!


Marisa & Silvijo

P.S. - Viva Internet! ;)

Here is just part of our art and our memories:

For more visit: Lunartics Art & Vintage

Hope you like it!

Nordmende Mikrobox UKW (1963.)

Ceramic Wall Clock - Alfa (1970s)

Rotary Telephone (1980s)

ITT Schaub-Lorenz Junior 28 (1976-78)

Alarm Clock - Herweg (1970s)

Soviet-era Camera - Zorki 4K 

Our set of Art Blocks - Vintage Electronics :)